Transdisciplinary Partnership Sealed ..

Transdisciplinary Partnership Sealed & Ethics Approval attained

A transdisciplinary project across continents comes with a significant amount of administration. But we are through with it so far! All partner institutions have agreed to the conditions of the cooperation and the joint scientific.

First International Core Group Workshop

At our first international core group workshop from July 5 th to 7 th in Augsburg, all partners met for the first time in person. It was an intense working atmosphere working out ways to.

Web-Launch Accomplished

Even though this might seem redundant to read on the web-page: we are happy to present this website to you as an interface of science communication. Are you as excited as we are to see.

India 1

In September and October 2022, Merle Müller-Hansen collected initial qualitative data in Hyderabad (India), which was analyzed as part of the NutriAIDE project and Merle’s doctoral thesis. Merle, initially guided by Prof. Markus Keck, conducted over 30 individual and group interviews. She also exposed herself to the various physical and digital places where the urban middle class consumes food. The research interest was guided by the question of how the eating habits of the middle class interact with unhealthy and unsustainable urban food environments.

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